Concentrates APM works only with top quality domestic and imported raw materials. Maintaining our commitment to quality is an essential part of who we are.
Our recipes are meticulously prepared and reviewed by a select group of nutritionists, experts in animal growth and development. Our success depends on the satisfaction, trust and credibility that we have and will continue to generate, which is why our clients and their pets are the most important thing for APM.
“Maintaining our commitment to quality
is an essential part of who we are”
for you andyour pet
Do you have a lot of work and your friend wants to play? Strap a toy to your leg so you can move it around without having to stop doing your chores.
If you need to remove urine stains from the carpet, use baking soda: apply it on the stain you want to remove, let it act and remove it with a damp cloth
If your dog eats too fast, try putting a ball on his plate: this way, your pet will be forced to move the ball to reach the food, which will take a little longer
For dogs who love to chew on objects, especially wires: Spray the wire with some bitter, edible liquid that will help keep your dog off the wires. This tip works with any pet.

Food that your pet should not eat
Chocolate - Chocolate contains caffeine and theobromine, a substance that can cause extensive damage to the nervous system of dogs.
Milk - UIn adulthood they do not need milk in their diet. The dog does not have the enzyme responsible for digesting lactose. Milk consumption can cause diarrhea, vomiting and other gastrointestinal problems.
Onion - Onion contains thiosulfate, which can cause dogs to develop anemia. Onions can deteriorate dogs' blood cells, which can leave the animals very weak.
fermented dough - yeast can expand inside the stomach and in the intestines produce a large amount of harmful gases for the digestive system. This will cause gastrointestinal problems, vomiting, abdominal discomfort, and lethargy.
Fish entrails - Too many entrails of this raw meat can cause paralysis or muscle stiffness.
Salt - A cat should eat little salt to avoid accumulations of saline remains in the kidney that cause urinary problems.
Onion - Onions, chives and leeks contain thiosulfate, a component that causes the cat to destroy its red blood cells, which is also known as hemolytic anemia.
chicken bones - Chicken bones are dangerous for the cat because their ingestion can cause damage to the intestine, such as perforations or obstructions.